ATPCO to Split Advisory Council into Five Groups


ATPCO is dividing its Advisory Council into five specialized areas, including councils focused on distribution and offers, in an effort to implement new standards and technology across the industry.

ATPCO created its Advisory Council, made up of senior leaders from airlines, technology suppliers and industry organizations, in 2013, and it now will operate councils focused specifically on offer content, distribution and infrastructure, customer care, settlement, and market tools. The structure is meant to “facilitate far better focus, agility and innovation and create better opportunities for former [Advisory Council] members to take the right actions at the right time to ensure faster speed to market,” according to ATPCO head of industry standards David Smith.

The settlement and market tools councils will launch in early 2022, and the other three already launched earlier this year. The Customer Care Council in particular is focused on automating changes so that airlines can better communicate change fees and refund policies to both travelers and travel sellers. The councils also are working to provide “consistent, automated airline policy” in creating dynamic offers, the Next Generation Storefront initiative and the International Air Transport Association’s New Distribution Capability standard.

Each council plans to meet up to six times per year and are led by business sponsors nominated by ATPCO. Air Canada senior director of distribution and payments Keith Wallis is leading the Offer Content Council, Delta Air Lines VP of commercial development Derek Adair is leading the Distribution and Infrastructure Council and Amadeus VP of industry and expertise Hervé Prezet is leading the Customer Care Council. Hawaiian Airlines director of revenue and accounting Jerry Fonacier will lead the Settlement Council, and British Airways product support manager Stefania Di Gesu will lead the Market Tools Council.

Michael B. Baker
