Athens : 2021 in numbers – Recovery of Passenger Traffic at almost 50% vs 2019, despite the Jan – midMay2021 lockdown


With our Warmest Wishes for a Happy, COVIDfree, Prosperous 2022, a few numbers for 2021

Overall, the year 2021 ended with Athens International Airport’s traffic amounting to 12.35 million passengers – better than expected- exceeding the respective 2020 levels by 52.8%, but lagging behind by 51.7% compared to 2019. Domestic passengers exceeded the 2020 levels by 52.8% and international passengers by 52.9% but lagged well behind 2019 levels by 40.6% and 56.6% respectively.

In the international front, recovery exceeded 60% level from July to November, however dropped in December as a result of the new COVID-19 variant. In the domestic front however, recovery improved month on month, exceeding 70% mark from July with best recovery recorded in December 2021.

Overall, for the year 2021, Athens International Airport’s number of flights amounted to 159 thousands, and, although exceeding the respective 2020 numbers by 41.4%, they were below the 2019 levels by 29.6%, severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Analytically, both domestic and international flights, although exceeding the corresponding 2020 levels by 42.4% and 40.6% respectively, remained below the 2019 levels by 21.4% and 35.4% respectively.

In the international front, best recovered volume in flights achieved in August with 88%, when domestic flights exceeded 2019 volumes in November and December with +7% and +8% respectively, reflecting the increased pax volumes for the same months.

In the international markets, Germany maintained TOP position, recovering 52% of its traffic compared to 2019. France gained 2 positions to Italy and United Kingdom, now 2nd largest international market, with 58% of its 2019 traffic recovered. Best performance recorded in the US and Austrian markets, recovering 76% in full year traffic each. In the peak Summer season (June to October), when most of travel restrictions eased, USA reached 96% of 2019 traffic, Athens previous record year!

Austrian, surpassed 2019 traffic in the Summer period by +16%

In terms of Tourism arrivals to Athens (foreign residents’ international arrivals), Germany in TOP place, gained positions from USA and the United Kingdom. Romania gained 6 places, now 13th and Canada lost 5, now 16th, with Canada impacted by very late easing of travel restrictions for international travel. Austria, UAE and Sweden entered TOP20 group, while Australia, China and Denmark left out.

With our Warmest Wishes for a Happy, COVIDfree, Prosperous 2022

