Lufthansa Consulting experts ready to meet you at Routes Americas 2022


Focus for exchange: Enhanced Air Service Development product including revenue potentials from Air Cargo / Achieving sustainable tourism regrowth in a post-Covid world

Lufthansa Consulting attends the Route Development Forum for the Americas from 15 – 17 February 2022 in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. Our delegates Liége Emmerz, Associate Partner and Head of Market Latin America, as well as Senior Consultant Luisa Grasshoff look forward to a lively exchange with the aviation community on-site.

The aviation consultants show their range of services for airports and the wider aviation industry, tailored to the needs of a post-Covid recovery and also focus on two issues for discussion with the event participants. For airports, they are ready to present their modified Air Service Development product which takes Air Cargo’s increased importance into consideration. For tourism stakeholders they address how to turn challenges into opportunities for a sustainable regrowth to the benefit of the entire tourism operating system in a post-Covid world.

See you in San Antonio! Feel free to easily contact Liége and Luisa via the Routes App!
