Website Made For Agents, Customers of Crystal Cruises to File Claims


Crystal Symphony sailing out of New York City.

Customers and travel agents of Crystal Cruises can now file claims for money they believe the cruise line owes them at a new website,

Crystal Cruises, which went bankrupt before ceasing operations earlier in January, did not create the website, but rather by Mark Healy of Michael Moecker & Associates, the assignee appointed to manage the liquidation of Crystal Cruises LLC, Crystal AirCruises LLC and Crystal Holdings U.S. LLC, according to Travel Weekly.

Claims can be filed by June 11, 2022. Updates will also be announced on the claims website. When the claims are approved, the money to pay out the claims will be earned through liquidating Crystal’s assets, though that may be limited because Crystal did not own its ships. The circuit court will approve the fund’s distribution after the liquidation occurs.

“Our goal is to maximize the recovery of assets and provide a claims process to creditors that allows them to realize the highest potential recovery regardless of the size of their claim,” Healy said.

Crystal Cruises suspended its operations in January after its parent company, Chinese corporation Genting Hong Kong, ran out of money, though that didn’t stop two cruises from being cut short when the ships were seized by U.S. authorities in early February for outstanding warrants including charges of over $4 million in unpaid fuel bills.
