Sandals Launches “Online Masterclass” Series Developed For Canadian Advisors


Candlelight dinner for two at Sandals South Coast

Registration is now open for a series of online Masterclass sessions on Sandals Resorts and Beaches Resorts.

Created exclusively for Canadian travel advisors, the fast-paced, motivational sessions are designed to help to “Reignite, Refocus and Reboot” their Sandals and Beaches business, as well as their own personal goals as professional travel advisors.

The classes will be led by Lorna Richards, National Training Manager, Unique Vacations Canada. She’ll be joined by the respective Sandals Business Development Managers across the country for each Masterclass.

Together, they’ll discuss a range of topics including tips and tricks on sales growth, identifying niche markets, effective marketing strategies and more – all designed to grow their Sandals and Beaches bookings and increase their bottom line.

The two-hour Masterclass sessions are live and take place 10:00am – 12:00pm (local times) across Canada. By participating, travel advisors will also fulfill the educational requirement in order to maintain their Certified Sandals Specialist status.

Travel advisors can register by clicking on the various links below or contact their local Business Development Manager or Inside Sales 1-800-545-8283 for any additional information.

The Sandals 2022 Canadian Masterclass series includes:

Wed April 27, Ontario, (BDM Robert Smith).

Register here.

Wed May 4, Atlantic Canada + English Quebec, (BDM Sandra Brousseau).

Register here.

Tues May 10, Quebec – FRENCH, (BDM Guy Archambault & Sandra Brousseau).

Register here.

Wed May 11, British Columbia, (BDM Winston Chang).

Register here.

Wed May 18,Saskatchewan, (BDM Winston Chang).

Register here.

Tues May 24, Manitoba, (BDM Donné Nixon).

Register here.

Thurs June 2, Ontario, (BDM Giselle Williams).

Register here.

Wed June 8, Ontario, (BDM Robert Smith).

Register here.

Wed Aug 10, Ontario, (BDM Robert Smith).

Register here.

Tues Aug 16, Alberta, (BDM Donné Nixon).

Register here.

Fri Aug 26, Ontario, (BDM Giselle Williams).
