Air Transport Components to open MRO Facility in Tulsa


During MRO Americas in Dallas, Texas, Air Transport Components (ATC) has announced plans to establish a new MRO facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The company has selected a 60,000-square-foot facility located on Historic Route 66. At the Tulsa facility, ATC will offer HVOF thermal spray coatings, grinding, NDT, and painting and plans to expand these offerings in the future.

ATC plans to employ 50 in Tulsa and will make an overall investment of approximately US$5 million in the building as well as technology and equipment.

Jimmy Newman, CEO of ATC, said: “Due to increased volume, new capabilities, and the unique opportunities that the state of Oklahoma provides, ATC decided to expand its strong industry brand into Tulsa. The MRO and aerospace workforce in Oklahoma is unmatched and was certainly the deciding factor when looking at expansion options.”

ATC has operated an FAA/EASA Repair Station in Gilbert, Arizona, for more than 20 years. Approved by all major airlines, ATC has a large portfolio of services including repair of airframe, structural, and hydraulic components, as well completing full landing gear overhauls. This second location will expand capabilities with HVOF thermal spray, grind, NDT, and paint, with additional capabilities coming soon.

“We are excited to welcome ATC to Oklahoma and further grow our MRO operations,” said Scott Mueller, Oklahoma’s Secretary of Commerce and Workforce Development. “Our state is known for its prowess in MRO and I’m pleased that ATC saw the potential in our exceptional aerospace workforce as well as proximity to customers and supply chain.”

Arthur Jackson, senior vice president of economic development at the Tulsa Regional Chamber, said: “We’re proud to welcome Air Transport Components to Tulsa and are grateful for this investment in our community. Our region’s longstanding history in the aerospace industry and our highly skilled workforce make northeast Oklahoma the ideal place to support ATC’s growing operations. We applaud the Department of Commerce and our Tulsa’s Future partners who helped secure this project.“
