Amex GBT Adds Gender-Neutral Options in Neo


American Express Global Business Travel has updated its Neo booking tool to give new options for nonbinary travelers, the company announced.

Neo’s gender selection field now includes “non-binary” as an option alongside “female” and “male” for traveler profiles. In addition, it has added the gender-neutral prefix “Mx.” as a choice for travelers alongside “Mr.,” “Mrs.” and “Ms.” Companies also have the option to remove prefixes altogether if they prefer. The travel management company says the change comes as more countries are offering third gender options on passports, including the United States, which added “X” as a gender option earlier this month.

The newest Neo release also included a new sorting option for travelers, where they can see the options with the lowest carbon footprint at the top of their search, according to Amex GBT.

Michael B. Baker
