Republic Airways Wants FAA to Cut Pilot Training Time in Half


Pilots before take off, cockpit, airplane

The pilot shortage isn’t just affecting the major airlines. Even regional airlines are feeling the brunt since that’s where the big carriers have been able to cherry-pick pilots when in need.

But now the nation’s second-largest regional airline is asking the Federal Aviation Administration to make a major concession so it can hire more pilots.

Republic Airways has asked the FAA for an exemption that would allow the airline to hire first officers out of flight training schools after accumulating 750 flight hours – half of the normal 1,500 hours usually required.

There is a method to Republic’s madness, however.

As TPG pointed out, Republic Airways is the only regional carrier to have its own flight training program. It works with aviation-centric colleges and universities to help reduce the number of hours needed to achieve what is called a restricted airline transport pilot certificate (RATP).

Republic is not asking the FAA for novice pilots with only half the normal training time, but it is petitioning the agency to let it hire military veterans who accumulate the 750 hours at its flight training academy after already having gone through training in the military.

The request was filed last month. The FAA has yet to respond.
