New TripActions Dashboard Tracks Travel Impact on Employees


TripActions has launched a new tool, the Traveler Well-Being Dashboard, that aims to inform companies about how much of a toll travel could be taking on their employees.

The dashboard, which is free to TripActions customers via the admin platform, keeps track of such metrics as how many nights and weekends employees are spending on the road, how long their flights are, how many red-eye flights employees are taking, the number of connections and lengths of layovers.

Data is available both on the aggregate level or for individual travelers, which can help travel managers and department leaders make decisions about policies, staffing and paid time off, according to TripActions EVP and general manager of travel Nina Herold.

That will “enable managers to take action directly in the app to ensure traveler well-being,” according to Herold. “We see our role as arming the customer with data to ensure they have the full picture—information they need to optimize for both business performance and employee well-being.”

The dashboard’s availability also comes as companies likely will have a larger traveling population due to a dispersed workforce that needs to travel in order to meet in person, TripActions noted. The platform’s booking data for April and May showed that companies are averaging 17 percent more travelers per month compared with those same months in 2019, pre-Covid-19. That increase was fairly constant across both small and mid-sized and larger companies, according to TripActions.

As more data is gathered with the dashboard, TripActions ultimately will be able to provide insights and guidance such as benchmarks showing companies how their traveler wellness compares with other companies in their industry or segment, Herold said.

Michael B. Baker
