Goshawk completes second delivery to Viva Aerobus with A320 aircraft


Goshawk, the leading Dublin-based aircraft lessor, is pleased to announce the delivery of one Airbus A320 aircraft to Viva Aerobus. Viva Aerobus operates point-to-point services from Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City to destinations across Mexico, the USA and Cuba.

The aircraft was successfully delivered on the 15th of June and represents the second aircraft delivery by Goshawk to Viva Aerobus, following the first last November. This additional delivery highlights the ongoing successful relationship established between the two parties.

Stephen Murphy, Head of Airline Marketing at Goshawk said: “The delivery of a second aircraft to Viva Aerobus demonstrates the strengthening of our relationship with this important partner. We are encouraged by the strong demand that we have seen for global travel over recent months and are optimistic that the airline industry will continue on an upward trajectory. We are proud of our relationship with Viva Aerobus and remain excited by the opportunity to further foster positive relations with the airline into the future.”
