Hundreds of Delta pilots to protest for better pay and improved workload


Delta Air Lines Airbus A320 aircraft

Hundreds of Delta Air Lines pilots have warned of plans to picket, demanding better pay and working conditions. The protest will take place on June 30, 2022, just a few days before the Independence Day (July 4), a busy national holiday in the United States.

The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), which represents more than 65,000 flight crew members across US and Canada, has estimated that its nearly 14,000 members across the US are currently work longer hours despite airlines cancelling thousands of passenger flights due to staff shortages.

The aims of the protest are to demand improvements in workload, wage, retirement, and job protection policies, ALPA said in a statement dated June 27, 2022. The union also outlined that pay levels for flight crews have not changed since 2016.
