EU plans to extend some airport slot flexibility


twin engine jet aircraft flying at sunset

The European Commission plans to extend a tool created during the pandemic that allows airlines to seek exemptions for not using take-off and landing slots when unexpected events occur.

The Commission also proposed measures to restore connectivity between the EU and Ukraine when the time comes to reopen airspace, including a recovery period for slots.

Airlines generally have to follow a use it or lose it rule when it comes to valuable slots at airports across Europe. Before the pandemic, airlines had to use their slots 80% of the time in order to keep them for the next season or risk being forced to give them up.

The practice led to airlines carrying out “ghost” flights, operating empty aircraft just to keep hold of the slots.

The EU has already given airlines slot relief for the current summer season 2022, which runs until October 29. Under those rules, airlines have to use 64% of tier slots to retain the right to use them for the next summer season.
