Join us in Brazil for the CAPA Latin America Aviation & LCCs Summit 2022


CAPA – Centre for Aviation returns to Latin America with the CAPA Latin America ‘Aviation & LCCs Summit’. Hosted in Salvador, Brazil on 25/26-Aug-2022, the summit will bring together hundreds of senior aviation and transport leaders to consider the key topics and questions that are facing the aviation and travel industry in the region.

Latin America and the Caribbean was the last to be hit by COVID-19, and regional airlines initially had a tougher pandemic than most, facing tight travel restrictions and almost zero direct government support. The expectation was that the region would be the last to pull itself out from the crisis.

However, since the start of 2022 Latin America’s recovery has notably outperformed that of other regions. Travel restrictions imposed by governments on international traffic have been eased or eliminated, rules around COVID-19 have been streamlined and simplified, and the region is benefiting from substitution away from regions still closed off to travel.
