Boeing reports that global aviation will need 602,000 pilots by 2041


Two pilots

Boeing has estimated that 602,000 new pilots, 610,000 new aircraft maintenance technicians, and 899,000 new cabin crew members will be needed in order to “fly and maintain the growing commercial aviation fleet” by 2041, in its latest long-term Pilot and Technician Outlook (PTO).

“As the commercial aviation industry recovers from the pandemic and plans for long-term growth, we anticipate a steady and increasing demand for aviation personnel, as well as the ongoing need for highly effective training,” Chris Broom, vice president of commercial training solutions, said in the report, whichw was released on July 25, 2022.

The plane manufacturer also projected that the global aircraft fleet would nearly double the current number, reaching slightly more than 47,000 jets by 2041.

To support the estimated increase in passenger demand for air travel, airlines, which were forced to pause and even cancel pilot training programs during the global pandemic, must refocus on new flight crew development processes, the report added. “However, accelerated training efforts will take years to pay off, while experienced pilots are in short supply today,” the manufacturer said.
