Copa Airlines Celebrates 75th Anniversary With Ticket Giveaways


Sectur y Copa Airlines se alían en favor del destino México. (Photo: via Angel Di Bilio/iStock Editorial/Getty Images Plus).

Copa Airlines is celebrating its 75th anniversary with its passengers and supporters, offering a regional competition called “75 years to celebrate, 75 winners to choose.” Each winner will receive two roundtrip tickets (one for themselves and a companion) to travel to any of the destinations operated by the carrier.

“We celebrate this 75th anniversary with those who have trusted us over the years. We want them to enjoy a trip full of memorable experiences to their dream destination and world-class service, thanks to the connection that Copa Airlines offers through the Hub of the Americas in Panama City,” said Marco Ocando, Senior Director of Marketing, Communications and Frequent Flyer Program at Copa Airlines.

The contest will be held through Copa Airlines’ official Instagram account, for three weeks. Those interested in participating should take the following steps:

—Keep an eye out for Copa Airlines Instagram posts starting Wednesday, August 31.

—Participants will have 24 hours from the week’s post to respond to trivia found in the bio of the Instagram account or on the contest page at

—The first 25 people who respond in the shortest possible time, with the most correct answers, will be the winners. Minimum 5 correct answers.

Winners will be announced on the airline’s Instagram account and in the special winner’s section of the contest website. Terms and conditions apply, however, as the contest is not applicable for persons residing in the Dominican Republic

Copa Airlines currently connects more than 75 cities in 30 countries in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean.
