Flight AF447 crash trial: Air France and Airbus plead not guilty


Flight AF447 crash trial: Air France and Airbus plead not guilty

The airline Air France and the manufacturer Airbus have both pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary corporate manslaughter in the trial for the crash of Flight AF447.

On June 1, 2009, an Air France A330, registered F-GZCP, carrying out flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 228 people on board. The accident remains the worst Air France has ever suffered, and the deadliest involving an Airbus A330.

After a 10-year investigation, the investigating judges ended up dropping all prosecution in September 2019. “This accident is obviously due to a conjunction of elements that never occurred, and thus highlighted dangers that could not be perceived before this accident,” they concluded.

But in May 2021, the Court of Appeal of Paris ordered that Air France and Airbus must be tried for involuntary manslaughter, following a demand expressed by the General Prosecutor of Paris.
