Applause Survey: Travelers Face Challenges Managing Disruption Via Apps


ore than 5,200 travelers conducted by testing and digital quality provider Applause.

About two-thirds of respondents to the survey, which covered a broad range of travel apps, said they were either somewhat or extremely satisfied with the travel apps they used, compared with nearly 20 percent who were either somewhat or very dissatisfied, according to Applause. However, 37 percent said they did not find apps helpful in managing disruptions such as rebooking a canceled flight or finding lodging at the last minute.

The biggest dissatisfier in travel apps was when travelers simply could not find the information they needed with the app, reported by 18 percent of respondents. Slow response time, poorly done localization or translation, payment difficulties and failure to deliver something requested in the app all were experienced by 10 percent or more of respondents.

Lodging and flight apps had the highest use among respondents, used by 23 percent and 21 percent of total respondents, respectively. Twelve percent use apps for car rental or car services.

Michael B. Baker
