Cobalt Aerospace launches new in-seat power system


Cobalt aerospace

Cobalt Aerospace has launched an in-seat power system (ISPS) that will allow operators to easily provide power to seats.

The system, which is an all-in-one retrofit solution, empowers carriers to boost their business through enhancing the in-flight experience for passengers.

The Cobalt Aerospace ISPS is a bespoke solution, and carriers will be able to choose anything from individual outlets to a comprehensive retrofit package including power supplies, cabling, and wiring harnesses.

The range of available USB outlets will be supplied by IFPL. Each outlet incorporates easy and rapid on-wing replacement thanks to IFPL’s innovative cartridge design.

Cobalt Aerospace Director and Co-founder Ben Brown commented: “Aside from creating a great passenger experience, each of our products is also dedicated to making life as easy as possible for operators and crew. Our ISPS does just that by offering a simple “one-stop shop” for in-seat power. Operators can select a custom package that suits the needs of their fleet exactly, making this a cost-effective way to being high quality in-seat power to passengers.”

Among the power outlets available either individually or as part of a packaged solution is the IFPL Reversible USB-A Module which allows the user to input a connector either way up, delivering bi-directional charging power which saves passengers the frustration of plugging a USB in the wrong way.

Cobalt’s partnership with IFPL means customers also have access to the AdPower USB Module. Combining in-seat power with generating extra revenue on-board, AdPower offers passengers the option to purchase power or watch advertising in exchange for power.
