China Eastern Airlines signed a service agreement with Pratt & Whitney


China Eastern Airlines signed a huge order with Pratt & Whitney Group (P&W) on Nov. 5, the first day of the 5th China International Import Expo, which will run through November 10.

The Shanghai-based airline’s order is the first at this year’s expo among all civil aviation enterprises, both domestic and foreign.

As one of China’s domestic airline industry giants, China Eastern expects a total of 15 purchase deals at the CIIE with major suppliers from all over the world.

The total amount is likely to top RMB 1.6 billion (US$222.7 million), the second highest in value among its orders at the five editions of the expo.

The agreement value is expected to take up half of the total amount that the airline will sign at the 5th CIIE. The order is a service agreement for V2500 jet engine maintenance service.
