More Americans Planning Hotel Stays During Holidays


Opened door of hotel room in morning

New data shows that more holiday travelers plan to stay in hotels this year, with around 54 percent of Americans likely to book a stay over the next three months.

According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association’s (AHLA) Hotel Booking Index Survey, 31 percent of Thanksgiving travelers plan to stay in a hotel during their trip, compared to the 22 percent who planned to do so in 2021.

As for Christmas, 28 percent of travelers plan to stay in a hotel, compared to 23 percent last year. Among the respondents certain to travel for leisure in the next three months, 54 percent plan to stay in a hotel.

“This survey bolsters our optimism for hotels’ near-term outlook for a number of reasons,” AHLA CEO Chip Rogers said. “The share of holiday travelers planning hotel stays is rising, plans for business travel are on the upswing, and hotels are the number one lodging choice for those certain to travel for leisure in the near future.”

Overall holiday travel is likely to be slightly depressed in 2022, though, as the 28 percent of Americans reporting they are likely to travel for Thanksgiving and 31 percent for Christmas are down from 29 percent and 33 percent, respectively, in 2021.

In total, 66 percent of Thanksgiving and 60 percent of Christmas travelers plan to drive to their destinations, while 24 percent and 30 percent plan to fly. Another 61 percent said they plan to take more leisure trips in 2023 than this year.

“This is great news for our industry as well as current and prospective hotel employees, who are enjoying more and better career opportunities than ever before,” Rogers continued.

There are still concerns among American travelers, though, as 85 percent of respondents reported that gas prices and inflation are a consideration in deciding whether to travel over the next three months, compared to 70 percent who said the same about COVID-19 infection rates.

As for business travel, 59 percent of adults said they are likely to hit the road for work over the next three months, with 49 percent planning to stay in a hotel during their trip.
