Lufthansa Technik does world first Performance Restoration Shop Visit of a LEAP-1A engine


Lufthansa Technik is carrying out the world’s first Performance Restoration Shop Visit (PRSV) of a LEAP-1A engine.

The LEAP-1A engine, owned by Swedish Charter company Nova Airlines (Novair), will give Lufthansa Technik the perfect opportunity to help to identify further design requirements for component repair.

Novair signed a long-term contract for engine services in 2019, becoming Lufthansa Technik’s first-time customer for the new engine type. Lufthansa Technik already have extensive experience with this engine type, which include a number of Quick Turns/maintenance being performed on individual modules.

The PRSV serves to restore the performance of the engine, and this shop visit gives Lufthansa Technik the opportunity of being the first maintenance organisation in the world to analyse the new engine type under real operating conditions.

“It is with great expectations that Novair now submit its first LEAP-1A to Lufthansa Technik for performance restoration,” said Thomas Krook, Director Technical Operations at Novair. “We look forward to Lufthansa Technik not only delivering the baseline product, but as seen in the past – developing knowledge and methods for sending engines back to us with the highest possible return of investment in the shop visit.”

“The first Performance Restoration Shop Visit of a LEAP-1A engine marks another major milestone for us. I would like to thank our launching customer Novair for the trust they placed in us and for the opportunity to further expand our technical support for them and all other customers,” said Derrick Siebert, Vice President Commercials Engine Services at Lufthansa Technik
