Lodz Airport: Cosmic meeting


The astronaut candidate from Lodz Slawosz UZNANSKI (currently working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN) visited the students of Politechnika Łódzka (eng. Lodz University of Technology) and shared his experiences in space technologies.

During the meeting, he talked about studying in Lodz, France, his scientific work, and how to apply for the astronaut position. Thanks to his scientific mind, stubbornness, and encouragement he was selected by the European Space Agency – ESA and became a member of the astronaut corps.

Students’ curiosity about living as space employees has no limit. He gave them many valuable and practical tips for the cosmic future.

In thanks for exceptional time, the Rector of Lodz of Technology, professor Krzysztof Jozwik handed him over the unique commemorative statuette – Cosmic Graduate of the Lodz University of Technology.
