Extinction Rebellion blockade private jet terminal at Luton Airport


Extinction Rebellion UK protesters blockade entrance to private jet terminals at Luton Airport

Extinction Rebellion (XR) has mounted a protest at London-Luton Airport (LTN) by blocking the entrance to private jet terminals.

Campaigners from the group arrived on Tuesday morning (February 14, 2023) at the Harrods Aviation and Signature private jet terminals with banners.

XR dubbed its Valentine’s Day protest, “Love in Action” citing the rise in private jet flights at this time of year for romantic getaways as the reason for the blockade.

The campaigner’s famous blue boat, Polly Higgins, was photographed parked outside terminal gates and there are reports some protesters have barricaded the Harrods lounge entrance.

“Valentine’s Day should not have to cost the Earth, or the taxpayer. The people want a ban on private jets, as Climate Assembly UK demonstrated in 2020. But nothing has been done. I can only assume the government has ignored the will of the people to protect the interests of their rich mates. We are here today to make them listen,” said former airline pilot-turned climate activist, Todd Smith.
