Ryanair and Repsol Agreement Secures 155,000 Tons of Sustainable Aviation Fuel


Ryanair and Repsol announced that they have signed a memorandum of understanding for the supply of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) at Irish low-cost hubs in Spain and Portugal.

This agreement will allow Ryanair access to 155,000 tonnes of SAF between 2025 and 2030, equivalent to more than 28,000 flights from Dublin to Madrid. The use of SAF will help reduce approximately 490,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

“SAF plays a key role in Ryanair’s Pathway to Net Zero strategy and our goal of using 12.5% SAF by 2030,” Ryanair DAC’s CEO Eddie Wilson said. “This agreement helps Ryanair secure access to c.15% of this ambitious goal.”

In July 2022, Repsol began the construction of an advanced biofuels plant in the Spanish city of Cartagena, which will produce 250,000 tonnes of renewable fuels from waste. The new facilities are expected to come into operation in the first half of 2023. The company aims to produce over 2 million tons of renewable fuels by 2030.

“The aviation sector needs solutions such as SAF fuels to support the decarbonization process it is currently undergoing,” Valero Marin, Executive Managing Director of Client at Repsol, said.
