Airlines Groups Urge Governments to Adopt Global Slot Rules


Airlines for America (A4A), the trade association representing major U.S. airlines, has joined forces with other aviation groups from around the world to call on governments to align their rules for allocating landing slots at airports with the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG).

The WASG is a set of standards and best practices developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in collaboration with airports, slot coordinators and facilitators. The WASG aims to ensure that slots at coordinated airports are neutrally and fairly allocated to airlines using consistent policies, principles and processes.

The aviation groups, which include Airports Council International (ACI), the Worldwide Airport Coordinators Group (WWACG) and the European Regions Airline Association (ERA), issued a joint statement on Dec. 27, 2021, urging governments to adopt the WASG as the global standard for slot allocation.

The statement said that uniform slot rules would boost connectivity, competition and efficiency as well as fairness in the aviation industry, especially as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Harmonized slot rules are essential for airlines to plan their schedules and offer consumers convenient travel options that meet demand,” said Nicholas E. Calio, A4A President and CEO. “We urge governments to adopt the WASG as the global standard for slot allocation and avoid imposing unilateral or inconsistent measures that could undermine the recovery of air travel and connectivity.”

The statement also highlighted the need for flexibility in slot usage requirements during the pandemic, as airlines face uncertainty and volatility in demand. The aviation groups welcomed the recent decision by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to extend the waiver of slot usage requirements for international flights at U.S. slot-controlled airports until March 26, 2022.

However, they expressed concern that the waiver for domestic flights expired on Oct. 31, 2021, and called for its reinstatement until demand recovers to pre-pandemic levels.

“Slot waivers have been vital for airlines to adjust their operations to changing market conditions and consumer preferences during the pandemic,” said Willie Walsh, IATA Director General. “We appreciate the FAA’s recognition of this reality for international flights, but we urge them to extend the same flexibility to domestic flights as well.”

The aviation groups also called on other governments to follow suit and grant slot waivers for both international and domestic flights until March 26, 2022, in line with the WASG recommendations.

“Slot waivers are not only beneficial for airlines, but also for airports, consumers and the wider economy,” said Luis Felipe de Oliveira, ACI World Director General. “They enable airlines to optimize their networks and offer more flights to more destinations, which in turn generates more revenue and passengers for airports and stimulates economic activity and recovery.”

The joint statement concluded by reaffirming the commitment of the aviation groups to work together with governments and stakeholders to ensure a coordinated and sustainable approach to slot allocation that supports the recovery and growth of air travel.
