Denver International Airport Introduces Program Allowing Passengers to Bypass TSA Lines


Image: Security checkpoint at Denver International Airport. (photo via ivanastar/iStock Unreleased)

Denver International Airport is experimenting with something that, if successful, will shorten your security wait time considerably.

Would you believe that you can now make an appointment to be screened by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)? Certainly, some kinks need to be worked out. But this could be revolutionary for airports across the country.

It is known as the “DEN Reserve” program. It is a free program and allows passengers to make an appointment to be screened up to an hour before their flight takes off. However, because of the expected volume and interest in the program, right now, airport officials are warning that you should book your appointment three days in advance.

That doesn’t mean you have to show up three days before your flight.

“DEN Reserve has its own dedicated lane at the Bridge Security TSA checkpoint, so when there’s a steady flow of appointments, we can better manage queue lengths and wait times. All you need to do is reserve your appointment time. Once you have checked in or if you arrive ready to go through security with just your carry-on, proceed to Bridge Security at your appointment time and you can move through TSA screening,” the airport website reads.

Groups of people, and large families of up to 10 people, are allowed to book under one appointment.

You can book a reservation to be screened between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m., starting Thursday, June 1. Passengers will have up to 15 minutes to be late or they will have to go through security in the regular line.
