Finland Introduces World’s First Phone-Free Island Destination


Image: The island of Ulko-Tammio is encouraging travelers to go phone-free. (Photo Credit: Annika Ruohonen)

Finland’s island of Ulko-Tammio, which is located within the Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park, was made the world’s first phone-free tourist island.

Travelers wanting to literally disconnect from their devices will find the rugged uninhabited island, with its interesting wildlife and Baltic coastline a perfect destination where they’ll have ample opportunity to unplug.

The organization Parks & Wildlife Finland has begun a campaign showcasing the benefits of unplugging on the island, which include relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression. It’s also a great way to become more in tune with one’s surroundings.

“Switching off your phone, exploring nature and meeting people face to face are bound to boost your mood and well-being,” said Sari Castrén, psychologist and Research Manager at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. “We spend countless hours scrolling our social media feeds, so taking a short break from them means you have more time for new experiences. I’d like to see more initiatives like this that promote digital fasting.”

Ulko-Tammio is remote enough for the phone-free policy, which is not enforced but highly encouraged, offering a bird watching tower, well-marked hiking trails, a cabin and camping area for overnight stays and a unique history: it features rock drawings from the 1800s as well as remnants from when the island was fortified as an observation outpost during the Winter War.

“We encourage visitors to put their phones away voluntarily and to focus their senses on nature rather than on their phones. This is a great initiative that could be implemented in other nature and recreational destinations, too,” said Joel Heino, Manager, Outdoor Recreation and Visitor Management at Parks & Wildlife Finland.
