Delta Offers Passengers Up to $4,000 and Hotel Stay on Overbooked Flight to Rome


Overbooked flights have become increasingly common as airlines seek to maximize capacity and profits. Passengers on a Delta Air Lines flight from Boston to Rome had the opportunity to capitalize on this situation when the airline offered up to $4,000 and a hotel room for passengers willing to surrender their seats and take a later flight.

In a viral TikTok video, a Delta employee can be heard saying, “Come on, guys, $3,500, can somebody take one for the team? We’ll get you a hotel if you guys show up for us.” Ultimately, 10 passengers accepted offers ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 in compensation.

While it’s not explicitly mentioned in the video, passengers who agreed to give up their seats likely received compensation in the form of Delta Choice Gift Cards. These cards allow recipients to choose from various options, including flight vouchers, retailer gift cards, or Visa gift cards.

When a flight is oversold, airlines typically seek volunteers willing to give up their seats, prioritizing passengers with flexible schedules. Initially, volunteers are offered modest incentives, such as flight vouchers or gift cards. If there are not enough volunteers, the compensation amounts increase. In cases where passengers are involuntarily bumped from a flight, airlines are required by Department of Transportation rules to compensate them with 200% of the one-way flight cost for delays under two hours or 400% for longer delays.

Related: Passengers on overbooked Delta flight offered $4,000 to get off

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
