Consumers Increasingly Abandon Accommodation Bookings Due to Poor Online Experiences


A recent report from hospitality e-commerce platform SiteMinder, titled the “Changing Traveller Report 2023,” highlights the growing trend of consumers abandoning accommodation bookings due to negative online experiences. The report, based on surveys of over 10,000 travelers across 12 countries, found that half of all travelers have abandoned a booking because of a poor online experience. Among specific demographics, this trend is even more pronounced, with nearly three-quarters of Gen Z travelers and 60% of millennials admitting to abandoning bookings due to unfavorable online experiences.

The study also identified key factors that are most important to consumers when booking accommodation online:

  • An easy and secure booking and payment experience (53%).
  • Access to video and images of rooms and the property (50%).
  • Detailed location information (49%).
  • Guest reviews (49%).
  • Access to packages and offers (49%).

When asked why they didn’t complete a booking, 24% of consumers cited concerns about the website’s security, while an equal number found the booking process, particularly payment, to be too complex. Additionally, approximately 20% of respondents mentioned slow website loading times as a reason for abandonment.

The report also assessed perceptions of the accommodation industry’s adoption of technology, with 53% of respondents rating it as average and 25% perceiving it as lagging behind. A majority (66%) agreed that the booking and stay experience could be improved if accommodation providers were more tech-savvy.

Trent Innes, Chief Growth Officer at SiteMinder, commented on the findings, noting that many hoteliers face challenges due to a lack of time and openness to technological opportunities.

Regarding travel research, the report revealed that 26% of consumers start their travel planning with a search engine, while 23% use specific online travel sites or mobile apps. A smaller percentage relies on brands or properties they are already familiar with (10%), seeks recommendations from friends (10%), or gathers inspiration from social media channels (9%).

Notably, social media plays a significant role in accommodation discovery, influencing 90% of Gen Z travelers and 84% of millennials, with an average of 70% of consumers globally being influenced by social media in their accommodation choices.

Sources: AirGuide Business,, SiteMinder
