Michael Whitaker Unanimously Approved by Senate Commerce Committee as Next FAA Administrator


Michael Whitaker’s nomination to head the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been unanimously approved by the Senate Commerce Committee. Having been nominated for the position by President Biden, Whitaker boasts over three decades of expertise in both the aviation sector and government roles.

Whitaker is no stranger to the FAA, having previously served as its Deputy Administrator from 2013 to 2016. During this tenure, he played a pivotal role in the rollout of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), an innovative satellite-driven system designed to boost air traffic control’s safety and efficiency metrics. Presently, Whitaker holds the position of Chief Operating Officer at Supernal, a pioneering firm focusing on the production of electric aircraft tailored for urban air transit.

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee, lauded Whitaker’s extensive qualifications and advocated for his swift confirmation by the full Senate. Cantwell highlighted, “Michael Whitaker’s robust confirmation emphasizes the Senate’s dedication to aviation excellence. There are immediate tasks ahead in terms of FAA staffing, technological enhancements, and augmenting safety measures. Whitaker stands as the ideal individual for spearheading these initiatives.”

Furthermore, Whitaker’s nomination has garnered widespread support from an array of entities in the aviation domain, ranging from airlines, manufacturers, and pilots to safety proponents and air traffic experts. Airlines for America, an influential association representing leading U.S. airlines, emphasized the pressing need for “permanent leadership at the FAA to guarantee the sustained safety and stability of our national airspace system.” The association also praised the bipartisan endorsement Whitaker received for his nomination.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, bing.com, vermontbiz.com, travelweekly.com
