Boeing Predicts a Surge in Middle East Aviation: Widebody Jets to Lead Fleet Expansion by 2042


Boeing projects a significant expansion in the Middle East’s aviation sector, with widebody airplanes anticipated to constitute 45% of aircraft deliveries over the next two decades. This figure is the highest among the 10 global regions analyzed in Boeing’s Commercial Market Outlook (CMO). The forecast, an annual long-term analysis by Boeing, also predicts the region’s fleet of dedicated freighters will more than double, reaching 180 jets by 2042.

“The Middle East is rapidly emerging as a pivotal international air transit hub, thanks to airlines in the region expanding their global influence and reach,” stated Darren Hulst, Boeing’s Vice President of Commercial Marketing. “This growth is fueled by robust economic expansion and national development plans, driving a surge in air travel and cargo demand. To meet these needs, Boeing’s efficient and versatile fleet solutions are poised to cater to the market demands.”

Boeing’s CMO forecasts the delivery of 3,025 new commercial airplanes in the Middle East by 2042, including an impressive count of 1,350 widebodies. The region’s strategic position as a connector of major population centers in Asia, Africa, and Europe has spurred the development of burgeoning hubs, necessitating a higher proportion of widebody aircraft to accommodate increased passenger volumes.

In tandem with the growth in widebodies, the Middle East’s single-aisle fleet is projected to more than double. The expansion of low-cost carriers (LCCs) and short-haul networks will contribute significantly to this increase. By 2042, single-aisle jets are expected to represent nearly half of the region’s aircraft fleet, underscoring the evolving dynamics of the Middle Eastern aviation market.

Additional 2023 CMO highlights for the Middle East through 2042 include:

  • Two-thirds of new deliveries will support air traffic and cargo growth while one-third of deliveries will replace older airplanes with more fuel-efficient models
  • The total fleet will increase 2.4 times to 3,360 airplanes — 1,610 (48%) will be single aisles, while 1,520 (45%) will be widebodies
  • The commercial fleet will generate demand for $335 billion in aviation services including maintenance, repair, training and spare parts
Commercial airplane deliveries to the Middle East (2023-2042)
Regional Jet 35
Single Aisle 1,570
Widebody 1,350
Freighter 70
Total 3,025

Boeing has published the CMO annually since 1961. As the longest-running jet forecast, the CMO is regarded as the most comprehensive analysis of the commercial aviation industry. Learn more about the Commercial Market Outlook on or search “Boeing CMO” in your smartphone app store.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
