Delta Air Lines’ Eco-Friendly Shift: Testing Paper Cups to Reduce Plastic Waste


Delta Air Lines is taking a significant step towards environmental sustainability with the testing of innovative paper cups designed to withstand various in-flight conditions. This initiative, which began in December 2023, is part of Delta’s ongoing efforts to minimize its environmental footprint and address the global issue of single-use plastic waste. The paper cups, capable of handling hot, cold, and alcoholic beverages, are being tested on several transcontinental domestic flights and select additional routes​​​​.

The development and testing of these cups have been a long-term project for Delta, involving collaboration with sustainability and supply chain experts. The cups are tailored to meet strict environmental regulations and international mandates, reflecting Delta’s commitment to offering a consistent and elevated travel experience while being environmentally responsible. Once the testing phase is successful and the paper cups are approved, Delta plans to roll them out across its network. This change is expected to eliminate nearly 7 million pounds of single-use plastics annually, contributing significantly to reducing the airline’s environmental impact​​.

Kristen Manion Taylor, Senior Vice President of In-Flight Service at Delta, emphasized the importance of this project, highlighting the airline’s dedication to minimizing its environmental impact while maintaining a high-quality customer experience. Amelia DeLuca, Delta’s Chief Sustainability Officer, also noted the importance of innovation and real-world testing in making long-term sustainable changes​​​​.

The final testing of the new paper cups is anticipated to be completed by spring 2024. Once implemented, this initiative will not only reduce Delta’s environmental impact but also set a new standard for in-flight service sustainability in the airline industry​​​​.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,,
