Niger Bans French Carriers and Aircraft, Escalating Dispute with France


The military junta in Niger, known as the Conseil national pour la sauvegarde de la patrie (CNSP), has heightened tensions with France by issuing a ban on all French airlines and France-registered aircraft from entering Nigerien airspace. The move comes amid an escalating dispute, prompting France to recall its ambassador from Niger. The Notice to Airmen (NOTAM A1096/23), issued on September 23, 2023, specifically targets “French aircraft or aircraft chartered by France, including those of the airline Air France (AF, Paris CDG).” While other commercial flights remain unaffected, military and special flights are subject to prior authorization. The decision follows Air France’s suspension of services to Niamey in August, aligning with the political turmoil in Niger. The airspace closure impacts flight routes and diplomatic relations, leading to the withdrawal of the French ambassador and plans for the departure of French troops stationed in Niger by year-end.
