SEC Probes Boeing Over Safety Declarations Following 737 Max Incident, Sources Say


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has indeed initiated an investigation into Boeing’s safety protocol declarations after a recent incident involving a 737 Max aircraft. In January, a mid-air panel detachment occurred on an Alaska Airlines-operated Boeing 737-9, prompting serious safety concerns. The incident, which took place at an altitude of 16,000 feet and resulted in a forced emergency landing, highlighted potential weaknesses in Boeing’s safety measures and transparency​.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also launched a formal investigation following the incident, focusing on whether Boeing had failed to ensure its completed products conformed to approved designs and were in a condition for safe operation. This FAA action underscores the severity of the safety lapse, as it involved a critical structural component of the aircraft​​.

This series of investigations and the corresponding scrutiny of Boeing’s practices reflect ongoing concerns about the aerospace giant’s commitment to safety, especially in light of past tragedies involving the 737 Max models. The FAA’s heightened oversight aims to ensure that Boeing adheres to the highest safety standards, a necessity given the aircraft’s troubled history and Boeing’s significant role in global aviation​.

Sources: AirGuide Business,
