EVA Air Flight Attendants Commended for Resolving Mid-Air Fistfight


Three EVA Air flight attendants are being lauded for their effective intervention during a physical altercation between two passengers aboard a flight from Taipei to San Francisco. According to EVA Air, the incident occurred about three hours into the 12-hour flight on Wednesday, May 8.

The airline explained to CNN that the dispute started when one passenger, disturbed by another passenger’s coughing, attempted to switch seats. This move inadvertently led to a conflict over seat entitlement with another passenger, escalating into a physical fight.

The quick and professional response by the flight attendants, with help from some passengers, ensured the altercation was swiftly managed. They succeeded in separating the involved parties, allowing the rest of the journey to proceed smoothly and arrive in San Francisco on schedule.

EVA Air, which operates out of Taiwan, emphasized its commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful environment onboard its flights. “The company has always adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards incidents of passenger nuisance,” EVA stated, assuring that the flight attendants involved would be appropriately rewarded for their actions.

Upon landing, the plane’s captain had already informed the San Francisco police, who then took the two passengers involved in the altercation into custody for questioning.

This incident adds to a list of notable in-flight events involving EVA Air. In 2019, the airline was in the news when an obese passenger coerced female flight attendants into assisting him with personal hygiene tasks in the lavatory. This incident led to public outcry and subsequent policy changes at EVA Air, including the decision to hire male flight attendants, moving away from its previous female-only cabin crew policy.

EVA Air expressed its “sincere gratitude” towards the flight attendants for managing the situation and reiterated its dedication to investigating and learning from such incidents to prevent future occurrences.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.infobing.comcnn.com
