Airbus Integrates Airliner Cockpit into Electric Truck to Enhance Airport Taxiing Safety


Airbus is pioneering a new approach to improving airport safety by equipping an electric truck with basic A350 airliner controls. Demonstrated at VivaTech, Europe’s largest technology showcase, this innovative vehicle merges traditional truck capabilities with advanced aircraft systems to explore automated taxiing solutions.

The initiative, part of Airbus’ “Optimate” project in collaboration with Israeli electric vehicle maker Ree Automotive, aims to address the increasing incidents of ground collisions at airports. These accidents, though rarely fatal, cause significant financial strain and operational disruptions. By allowing the aircraft systems to take over driving on predefined paths, the truck can navigate through tight airport spaces, monitored by sensors that detect obstacles and maintain safe routes.

Matthieu Gallas, head of automation research at Airbus UpNext, Airbus’ innovation lab, emphasizes the complexity of integrating such technologies into aviation, noting that direct adaptations from automotive technologies are insufficient. This exploration comes at a time when the aviation industry is keenly aware of the dangers, highlighted by recent accidents including a collision at Tokyo’s airport and incidents involving Virgin Atlantic and JetBlue aircraft.

The truck, fitted with 3D-mapping LiDAR sensors, is a hybrid research platform designed to test the feasibility of higher automation levels in airport operations, though Airbus maintains that pilots will continue to play a crucial role in oversight. This project not only showcases the potential for technological advancement in aviation but also underscores Airbus’ commitment to enhancing safety and efficiency in increasingly congested airport environments.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
