Boeing Resumes Aircraft Deliveries to China, Boosting 737 Max and 787 Dreamliner Sales


Boeing has restarted the delivery of aircraft, including the 737 Max and 787 Dreamliner models, to China, as reported by Shenzhen TV and confirmed by Boeing China President Liu Qing. This resumption marks a significant development since deliveries were previously halted due to additional scrutiny by China’s aviation authority. The authority had requested more details concerning the batteries used in cockpit voice recorders, leading to a temporary suspension of shipments.

China represents a critical market for Boeing, particularly as the country experiences a surge in both domestic and international travel demands. The pause in deliveries followed a broader stoppage initiated after two fatal crashes involving the 737 Max in 2018 and 2019, which significantly impacted Boeing’s operations and reputation worldwide.

In response to these incidents and subsequent regulatory concerns, Boeing has intensified efforts to enhance the safety features of the 737 Max. This included addressing issues highlighted by an incident on January 5, where a door panel detached from a 737 Max shortly after takeoff from Portland, Oregon.

The resumption of deliveries to China is a key step for Boeing as it aims to decrease the number of aircraft held in inventory and strengthen its position in one of the world’s largest aviation markets. This move is expected to play a crucial role in Boeing’s recovery strategy, focusing on rebuilding trust and ensuring the safety and reliability of its aircraft in the competitive aerospace sector.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
