Spirit AeroSystems and Airbus Face Tough Negotiations Amid Financial Struggles


As Spirit AeroSystems navigates through turbulent times, recording staggering first-quarter losses, its partnership with Airbus faces pivotal discussions. With losses mounting to $617 million and substantial cash burn, primarily attributed to challenges in the Boeing 737 MAX program and pricing issues with Airbus A530 and A220 work, the situation demands urgent action.

Rob Stallard, Vertical Research aerospace analyst, described the current state as “horrendous,” highlighting the pressing need for renegotiations with Airbus. Spirit’s executives aim to stem losses and reallocate resources towards enhancing Airbus production rates. Pat Shanahan, Spirit’s President and CEO, stressed the importance of constructive dialogue with Airbus to align with its ambitious production plans, including increasing A350 output from six to nine per month by 2025 and to twelve by 2028.

Acknowledging the necessity for candid conversations, Shanahan referred to upcoming “family meetings” with Airbus officials. However, acquisition talks with both Boeing and Airbus remain uncertain. Boeing’s potential acquisition of Spirit, excluding Airbus operations, awaits resolution of conflicts, with Airbus reportedly seeking compensation for the return of its work.

Spirit’s Belfast operation, responsible for A220 wings assembly, presents additional challenges. Despite significant losses and workforce reductions during the pandemic, Spirit must equip itself to meet Airbus’s production demands, necessitating investment in equipment and personnel.

While financial concerns loom large, Spirit maintains a substantial inventory of unshipped 737 MAX fuselages, offering a potential buffer against production rate fluctuations. With plans to address quality issues and clear backlog, Spirit remains committed to sustaining MAX production despite ongoing challenges.

As Spirit grapples with financial instability and operational hurdles, its strategic decisions in the coming months will shape its trajectory in the aerospace industry. Stay tuned for updates on negotiations, acquisitions, and efforts to bolster financial resilience amid these turbulent times.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.infobing.comleehamnews.com
