Airspace Risks Contribute to Aviation Safety “Permacrisis”


Navigating a business aircraft around the globe doesn’t shield travelers from increasing airspace threats. Security experts at the EBACE 2024 show stress the need for robust protection plans as airspace safety is compromised by armed conflicts from Ukraine to the Sahel region of Africa.

Osprey Flight Solutions and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) are addressing these concerns by hosting the inaugural World Overflight Risk Conference in Warsaw from July 2 to 4. This event will gather experts from airlines, security forces, NATO, the European Commission, and risk management specialists to discuss overflight risks. A white paper summarizing the conference’s key takeaways will be published by UK-based Osprey.

The conference will operate on a not-for-profit basis, with any proceeds donated to associations supporting victims of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 and Ukrainian International Airlines flight 752, both downed in conflict zones.

MedAire, a health and safety group, highlights these airspace threats as part of a broader “permacrisis” affecting aviation safety. Recent GPS spoofing incidents and rocket and drone attacks by Iranian proxy forces have further disrupted operations.

John Cauthen, security director of MedAire’s aviation and marine division, notes that these disruptions force charter operators and flight departments to reroute flights, leading to increased costs, time, and resource allocation. MedAire aims to assist clients by contextualizing threats and helping make risk-based decisions tailored to individual risk appetites.

To combat GPS signal spoofing in the Middle East, MedAire provides training for flight crews to recognize misleading signals and rely on traditional navigation methods as backups.

As global airspace becomes increasingly hazardous, the aviation industry must adapt and strengthen safety measures to mitigate risks and ensure secure travel for all passengers. Stay tuned for more insights from the World Overflight Risk Conference and the evolving strategies to enhance aviation safety.

Sources: AirGuide Business
