Sale of Río Negro Government Business Jets Fails to Attract Buyers


The government of Río Negro, Argentina, has encountered setbacks in its attempt to offload two aircraft—a Cessna Citation V Ultra and a Piper Aztec twin piston—due to a lack of interest from potential buyers. This unsuccessful tender has prompted officials to plan a relaunch, as they remain cautiously optimistic about better results amid signs of an improving Argentine economy.

Nelson Cides, the Secretary General of the state government, expressed disappointment in the outcome of tender 30/24 during an interview with Radio Noticias, revealing that there were no bidders for either aircraft. The Cessna Citation V Ultra, equipped with an HRG Ambulance kit, an incubator, and a Covid-19 capsule from its days as an air ambulance, had a reserve price set at USD 2.57 million. The Piper Aztec was listed at USD 75,000, although it requires approximately USD 100,000 in repairs to be operational.

The Cessna is currently embroiled in controversy, adding to the challenges of the sale. It was last utilized for medevac services but is no longer authorized to operate in that capacity. Additionally, there is potential legal trouble brewing over the aircraft’s acquisition, with allegations of negligence against the three signatories involved in its purchase.

Cides highlighted the economic impracticality of maintaining these aircraft, noting that operating costs for the province’s bizjets are around USD 18.10 per kilometer, significantly higher than the charter rate of USD 6 to 7 per kilometer. This disparity led to a strategic reassessment of the aircraft under the direction of the governor, ultimately deeming them unsuitable for the government’s needs.

The government of Río Negro is now gearing up to reflight the tender, hopeful that a recovering market and clearer economic conditions will attract serious buyers interested in these specialized aircraft.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
