Archer Aviation Exceeds Flight Test Goals with 402 Tests in 2024


Archer Aviation has achieved a significant milestone in its flight testing program, completing 402 test flights in 2024, surpassing its initial goal of 400 flights four months ahead of schedule. This announcement, made in a press release on September 3, 2024, highlights the company’s accelerated pace in its efforts to advance its electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, the Midnight.

The achievement comes as a result of Archer’s strategic increase in flight test operations, aimed at meeting the rigorous standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for credit flight tests. Adam Goldstein, CEO and founder of Archer, expressed his enthusiasm about reaching this goal well before the end of the year. “When we first set our goal for 400 flights this year, it was viewed as aggressive, but here we are in August already surpassing it,” Goldstein stated.

Each test flight is crucial for Archer as it gathers essential data to evaluate and enhance various aspects of the Midnight eVTOL. The focus of these tests is on refining aircraft performance, including load management, vibration analysis, and handling qualities. Currently, the flight test team is concentrating on five key areas to ensure the Midnight meets its operational goals:

  1. Extended Distance and Speed Transitions: Archer is conducting flights that test the eVTOL’s performance over longer distances and at higher speeds. This data is critical for understanding the aircraft’s capabilities in different flight conditions.
  2. Increased Daily Flight Numbers: By simulating frequent operations through an increased number of daily flights, Archer aims to replicate real-world usage scenarios and ensure the Midnight can handle continuous operation.
  3. Hover Landings in Varied Wind Conditions: Testing hover landings under various wind conditions is essential for improving the aircraft’s landing profile and ensuring safe and stable landings.
  4. Noise Evaluation in Hover Mode: Archer is assessing the Midnight’s noise levels during hover mode. This data will be shared with the FAA to address noise regulations and contribute to the eVTOL’s certification process.
  5. Enhanced Endurance Through Optimized Control Laws: The team is also working on optimizing control laws to improve the Midnight’s endurance and overall flight performance.

Archer’s progress in its flight testing program is a significant step toward bringing the Midnight eVTOL to market. The successful completion of these tests will play a crucial role in the certification and eventual deployment of the aircraft, marking a notable advancement in urban air mobility.

The company’s ability to exceed its flight test goals ahead of schedule underscores its commitment to innovation and its readiness to meet the growing demand for advanced air transportation solutions. As Archer continues to refine its eVTOL technology, the aviation industry is poised to witness a new era of efficient and sustainable air travel.
