FAA Confirms Dominican Republic Maintains Category 1 Status After Comprehensive Aviation Safety Audit


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has officially reaffirmed the Dominican Republic’s Category 1 status following a rigorous aviation safety audit. Lawrence Fields, Executive Director of the FAA’s Flight Standards Service, handed over the final compliance document to Igor Rodríguez Durán, Director of the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC).

This certification confirms that the Dominican Republic continues to adhere to the Chicago Convention and international aviation safety standards within the stipulated deadlines. The successful outcome ensures the nation retains its Category 1 status after passing the operational safety inspection.

Delivered via the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic, the document outlines the country’s aviation system audit conducted under the FAA’s International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) program. It commends the Dominican Republic’s robust operational safety oversight, which led to the positive evaluation.

“We have determined that the Dominican Republic complies with the requirements and standards of the Chicago Convention and its annexes for civil aviation safety supervision. Based on the corrective actions taken by IDAC to date, the IASA category for the Dominican Republic will continue to be listed as Category 1,” Fields stated in his letter to the Dominican government.

IDAC Director Igor Rodríguez emphasized the commitment of President Luis Abinader and IDAC to uphold international civil aviation standards. “Thanks to the efforts of Tourism Minister David Collado and IDAC’s dedicated personnel, we achieved this certification, fostering a favorable environment for the Dominican civil aviation sector,” Rodríguez remarked.

Fields highlighted that the FAA’s evaluation of the Dominican Republic is complete, with ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) safety standards. “IDAC has shown exemplary cooperation with the FAA. We look forward to continued collaboration,” Fields added.

In August, President Abinader celebrated the FAA audit results, expressing optimism for increased Dominican airline routes to the United States. “This certification supports our airlines’ growth and competitiveness, and the government remains fully committed to their success,” he stated.

Related news: https://airguide.info/category/air-travel-business/safety/

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.infobing.comdominicantoday.com
