A Costly Mistake: The Importance of Using Your Full Name When Booking Travel


A recent travel mishap serves as a costly reminder of the importance of using one’s full name, as it appears on the passport, when booking any trip. This lesson was learned the hard way by a woman and her boyfriend, Phil, during their travel plans last summer.

The couple planned to embark on a journey with Virgin Atlantic, visiting destinations like Brisbane and Melbourne in Australia, followed by London and Qatar. Phil, in charge of booking the tickets, used a third-party website, Student Universe, for what seemed like a great deal. However, the real issue arose not from the booking platform but from a crucial oversight in the booking details.

Phil booked the ticket under his girlfriend’s nickname, ‘Kate’, instead of her formal name ‘Katherine’, as listed on her passport. This discrepancy between the ticket and the passport name led to a significant problem at Virgin Atlantic’s check-in, where they refused to accept the ticket due to the mismatched names.

The resolution to this issue was costly. The couple had to shell out over $3,000 to rebook the ticket under Katherine’s passport name. Although they contacted Student Universe at the airport, and the name was eventually corrected, the time-sensitive nature of their situation meant buying a new ticket was the only viable solution.

Phil humorously referred to the situation as ‘an administrative error’ on his part. However, the incident underscores a vital travel tip in today’s security-conscious world: always ensure that the name on your ticket exactly matches the name on your passport.

Despite the unexpected expense and stress, there was a silver lining. Phil and Kate were able to continue their trip, albeit with a valuable lesson learned about the nuances of travel booking in the modern age.
