AGS Airports Responds to Scottish Government plans for Tougher Quarantine Restrictions


Statement from AGS Airports Ltd

Commenting on today’s announcement in the Scottish Parliament from First Minster Nicola Sturgeon on the introduction of tougher quarantine restrictions, Derek Provan, chief executive of AGS Airports, said:

“This is the third significant announcement regarding travel restrictions in as many weeks which, once again, have been introduced without any consultation whatsoever. We’re also lacking any detail on how the latest layer of restrictions will be implemented.

“We understand the need for short-term emergency measures, and we all want to see this virus brought under control as quickly as possible, however, it’s imperative government engages with industry on developing a recovery plan.

“Our airports are effectively closed, they have been for almost one year and without a recovery plan from government there is no end in sight. We need to see sector specific support beyond the rates relief otherwise our entire industry will remain in a perilous position.”
