Air Canada Debuts WhereWeFly


The World’s First Inflight Interactive Route Map

Air Canada has launched WhereWeFly as its interactive route map for passengers to explore routes and view flights. As part of their continued commitment to enhancing the customer experience the map was deployed on Air Canada’s Panasonic seatback IFE and Thales Wireless Portal.

“We are excited to be the launch airline for WhereWeFly. It’s a beautifully organized inflight experience where passengers can instantly visualize our routes and flight schedule,” says Air Canada’s Norman Haughton, Director, Inflight Digital Entertainment, WiFi, Media Sales and Analytics.

In addition to being available on an airline’s IFE, WhereWeFly is available as a cloud-hosted service, expanding availability to airports. Passengers can explore routes and view flights right from an airport’s website.

The 3D map and destination guide are displayed in an easy-to-navigate layout with a calendar view, flight times, and booking links. Passengers can plan their next trip right inside the in-flight entertainment map or on an airport’s website.

“Air Canada’s routes and network are one of its most valuable, yet complicated assets,” says Duncan Jackson, chief designer of WhereWeFly. “We’re delighted to have created a groundbreaking new way to present destination and flight options to improve passenger loyalty and drive demand.”
