Air Dolomiti enhances IFE system


Air Dolomiti has updated and enhanced its in-flight entertainment (IFE) system.

The service, provided by Lufthansa Systems, has been free of charge and accessible to all passengers since 2017.

“Our Digital Experience Platform offers passengers an engagement portal with a wide range of digital content delivered to passengers’” own devices,” said Jan-Peter Gaense, Head of Passenger Experience at Lufthansa Systems. “Based on the longstanding collaboration with our partner Air Dolomiti, we developed a tailored IFE solution that fully meets passengers’ individual requirements and enhances customer experience.”

The new solution will provide a better and more efficient service and opens up opportunities to integrate future digital innovations. The new version has an updated and modern graphic user interface with greater reliability. Content, which includes a range of free major Italian, German and international newspapers and magazines as well as a gaming platform, is easily accessible with an even faster, simpler and more intuitive interface, and the option to listen to an exclusive selection of 10 music compilations has been introduced.

“We are very proud of the results achieved today with IFE. Air Dolomiti is one of the leading airlines in Europe and the only one in Italy, that has its entire fleet equipped with such advanced technology and a wide range of content. In this extremely vulnerable period for air transport, we have continued to invest in improving the user experience for our passengers, whom we want to protect above all by complying with all anti-COVID regulations and by offering an increasingly advanced digital service. The collaboration with Lufthansa Systems has been invaluable, as it has allowed us to continuously exchange information in order to offer a high-quality service,” said Dario Bruni, Vice President of Business Development, Product, IT & Managing Director for Air Dolomiti Deutschland.
