Air France and HOP! set to lose 7,500 jobs over the next three years


At Air France and HOP are set to introduce a drastic series of cost-saving measures to adapt to that both operators describe as a new world environment which require strategic decisions to be made and reductions to the workforce to be made.

In a statement the airline revealed that during the last three months, its “activity and revenue fell by 95%, and at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline was losing €15 million euros per day”.

The €7 billion euros loan from the French government “will enable the Group to withstand the crisis in the short term”. However, additional support will be necessary.

“The transformation is mainly based on changing its domestic business model, reorganizing its support functions and continuing to reduce its external and internal costs,” Air France said in a statement.

One of the most significant impacts will be to the workforce. Air France will likely reduce its staff by 6,560 by the end of next year and HOP looks set to let go around 1,020 jobs over the next three years is expected.

Air France and HOP are currently working with the unions to form a plan that gives priority to voluntary redundancies and early retirements.
