Airbus Implements New Cost-Cutting Strategy Amid Production Challenges


Airbus has unveiled a new performance improvement plan named “LEAD!” aimed at bolstering efficiency and managing costs within its planemaking division. This strategic pivot comes shortly after the aerospace giant was compelled to revise downwards its aircraft production targets due to various challenges. According to industry sources, the plan includes measures such as a freeze on overall headcount and intensified scrutiny of costs per unit, underscoring a focused effort to streamline operations.

Christian Scherer, the CEO of Airbus’s planemaking unit, emphasized in a staff memo that the initiative is not a traditional redundancy drive but a rigorous approach to cost management and productivity enhancements. He assured that while some positions might be discontinued, the overall strategy of the company would remain unchanged, with cost examinations to be conducted “without taboo.”

This initiative is a response not only to internal production setbacks, which include recent shortages in engines, interiors, and certain aerostructures, but also to broader market dynamics. Scherer highlighted the competitive pressures from Boeing, which he anticipates will emerge “radically improved” from its current crises, and the rising challenge from Chinese manufacturers backed by significant state support and a large domestic market.

The “LEAD!” plan is particularly focused on rescuing the year 2024 from escalating costs and delivery deviations. Airbus aims to stabilize its delivery schedules and improve long-term operational efficiency amidst ongoing supply chain pressures and the global economic landscape.

Furthermore, the strategy entails a selective approach to recruitment, focusing on maintaining current workforce levels while potentially scaling back on less critical projects and roles, especially in administrative areas. This comes at a time when the industry is also grappling with issues like increased absenteeism in factories, a remnant challenge from the pandemic’s impact on the workforce.

Airbus’s new cost-cutting and efficiency drive is a clear signal that the company is adjusting its sails to navigate through both present adversities and future competitive threats in the global aerospace sector.

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Sources: AirGuide Business,,
