Airline Pokes Fun at President Donald Trump, Receives Backlash


Ryanair took a dig at President Donald Trump after he falsely declared victory over Joe Biden while votes were still being counted early Wednesday morning, poking fun at the president’s premature claim.

“Trump declaring victory this early is like disembarking before the plane has landed,” the airline tweeted on Wednesday. “We don’t recommend.”

The tweet quickly backfired on Ryanair, however, as dozens of frustrated customers flooded the replies asking about the status of their refunds and criticizing the airline’s reputation for cost-cutting.

“Trump declaring victory this early is like @Ryanair promising you a refund and making you wait a year!!” one user wrote. “To be fair now @Ryanair…if you thought you could save a few quid by not actually having to land, you’d probably disembark your passengers that early,” said another.

The airline’s official Twitter account also made a joke at the expense of 2020 candidate Kanye West on Wednesday, writing “Kanye is the type of President that would clap every time Air Force One lands.”

The airline was promptly met by more refund requests, with one user calling the tweet “very unprofessional.”
