Airlines Want CDC To Revise Guidance on Vaccinated Travelers


The airline industry, through its lobby group Airlines for America (A4A), is asking the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to dial it down a notch when it comes to the CDC’s guidance regarding vaccinated travelers.

The agency says that even if you have received an inoculation against the COVID-19 virus that you should still avoid travel.

But the airlines are not on board with that.

In a statement released by Airlines for America, the group said flying is a low-risk endeavor when you factor in enhanced cleaning protocols, heavily filtered air and the federal mask mandate.

“We remain confident that this layered approach significantly reduces risk of contracting the coronavirus,” A4A said, according to CNN.

But the CDC cited a ‘strength in numbers’ approach to the science.

“Every time there’s a surge in travel, we have a surge in cases in this country,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during Monday’s White House coronavirus response briefing.

And travel has had a surge, likely due to spring break. CNN noted that the Transportation Security Administration screened almost 1.3 million flyers at airports on Sunday, the highest figure since January 3 holiday travel. The TSA has screened close to 1 million people a day, if not more than that, for four days straight between Thursday, March 4 and Sunday, March 7.

An airline industry source told CNN that it will urge the CDC to go public with adjusted travel guidance.
